Grandparents Behind the Wheel: A Precious Cargo Driving Style
In the event of a crash, the risk of injury to children is significantly lower when driven by a grandparent versus a parent, according to a recent study conducted by researchers at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia CHOP) and published in the journal Pediatrics more »
CultureWatch Reviews: Carthage Must Be Destroyed and The City of God
The author of Carthage Must Be Destroyed takes a close look at our preconceived notions of Carthage and Carthaginians, colored as they are by the accounts of Greek and Roman writers who had a vested interest in presenting Carthaginians as cruel and duplicitous. The City of God is as rich in lofty thinking, baroque writing, sympathetic characters, vivid settings, and suspense as anything you are likely to see more than once or twice in a lifetime. Take your time, but read it. more »
Seniors, Smartphones and the Pew Report on Adoption and Usage
In its first stand alone measure of smartphone ownership, the Pew Internet Project finds that one third of American adults – 35% – own smartphones. The Project’s May survey found that 83% of US adults have a cell phone of some kind, and that 42% of them o… more »
Alchemy in France: Roquefort's Legendary Tradition
I made a trip I’ve long wanted to do, to a special town in the department of Aveyron. King Louis XIV was not the first foodie to pass this way. When the Romans built the Via Domitia, the route passed not so far from Roquefort. The precious cheese would be sent to the coast and by sea down to Rome, where wealthy aristocrats paid high prices for it. more »