RMS Titanic Book Reviews: "It is impossible to stand. The music’s sounds are lost in an increasingly thunderous roar ... "
And the Band Played On truly takes up where the drama of Titanic’s loss leaves off. The excellent research tells the tale of a young girl’s love that could not wait for marriage; to a dishonest and avaricious father who might have graced the pages of Charles Dickens; of recognition pitifully sought and cruelly denied; of love and life triumphant over adversity more »
Field Work During a Mass Extinction: The curious Hawaiian happy face spider and others
Imagine that a “time machine” allowed you to go back in time — back exactly 64,999,995 years ago, just five years before the crash of the meteor that marked the end of the Age of the Dinosaurs. You have just enough time to do your field work, analyze your data, and write your Ph.D. dissertation. more »
Jewel-like Insects, Stunning Minerals, Mysterious Creatures
At the oldest US natural history museum, rare and beautiful treasures from the collections, hands-on scientific exploration activities and discoveries of the past and present more »
Tips About Finding the Cheapest Gas; Do You Really Need High Octane?
“MapQuest updates gas and diesel prices up to seven times a day. MapQuest offers a variety of tools to make the most of driving trips, but also understand alternative means of transportation that may not involve getting in the car at all.” more »