Editor's Note:
It is difficult to estimate the number of women's health and aging studies available online but it is encouraging for those times when you wish to inform yourself and others who are concerned about their health and need definitions, histories and reliable sources.
Here's One US Government Site:
https://orwh.od.nih.gov/research ... Office of Women's Health Research: ORWH stimulates and encourages basic, translational, and clinical research on the role of sex and gender in health and disease and sets NIH research priorities in diseases, disorders, and conditions that primarily affect women.
What Is Women's Health Research?
A person's health is influenced throughout their lifespan by many factors. Some of the most important factors include sex, gender, racial ethnicity, culture, environment, and socioeconomic status. Researchers are discovering the critical roles that sex (being male or female) and gender identity (including social and cultural factors) play in health, wellness, and disease progression. The discoveries being made through the study of women's health and sex differences are key to advancements in personalized medicine for both sexes.
There are striking sex and gender differences in many diseases and conditions, including:
- autoimmune diseases
- cancer
- cardiovascular diseases
- depression and brain disorders
- diabetes
- infectious diseases
- obesity
- substance abuse disorders
Women's health research is an essential part of the National Institutes of Health (https://www.nih.gov/research) agenda. The field has expanded far beyond its roots in reproductive health and includes the study of health throughout the lifespan and across the spectrum of scientific investigations: from basic research and laboratory studies to molecular research, genetics, and clinical trials. Researchers are investigating healthy lifestyles and behavior, risk reduction, and disease prevention, and searching for the best ways to diagnose and treat chronic conditions.
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