Theodore Roszack (1933 - 2011): Cult of Information
What it means to think. Is it just to manipulate Ideas or to create them? And how does this relate to the value of the computer? "We need good old-fashioned literacy; not just computer literacy ... what data matters and what data does not matter." more »
On Father's Day, a Celestial Call
Like all dutiful daughters, I called Dad on Father’s Day. Thanks to the iPhone's 3.0 update that includes the application, Celestial Calls, I was able to reach him with little effort. He wasn’t surprised at my call because ever since he died in 1958, he’s kept his eyes on me. more »
A Really, Really Long Distance Mother's Day Phone Call
I turned up the volume on my Mac and heard clicks — a lipstick top being circled downward, a pocket mirror snapped shut. I raised my voice, not only because we were using technology to manage our two-way conversation, but also because my mother and I were so far away from each other. Me, here on earth. Her, up in heaven. more »
"The News Industry In the Digital Realm Is No Longer In Control of Its Own Future"
Nearly half of all Americans (47%) now get some form of local news on a mobile device; Fully 46% of people now say they get news online at least three times a week, surpassing newspapers (40%) for the first time. Only local TV news is a more popular platform in America now (50%). more »