Ferida Wolff's Backyard: Ghost Cat and Brrr — It's Cold Outside
This time of year brings up the ghosts of thoughts/actions/decisions past. Sometimes they are energizing, sometimes they are tinged with regret. Yet the seasons always shift, the days move on, and we are presented with new options. It is tempting to make resolutions for the new year, decisions that frequently disappear almost as soon as they are made, that become the ghosts of the future. They are too definitive, I think. more »
Ferida Wolff's Backyard Series: Pumpkins In the Patch, Halloween and After
Neighbors had left a pumpkin outside to feed the rabbits that happened by. The seeds that weren’t eaten planted themselves and now were happily growing. The plot the pumpkins were growing in wasn’t ideal for the length of the vines but they were thriving nonetheless, a symbol of life’s determination to express itself. After Halloween, if you have a pumpkin you might want to use in a different way, one that nourishes and delights without the scary element to it, read on for more suggestions.
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The Scout Report This Week, Research, Education and the "Front Porch of the Lowcountry"
We've reproduced the entire Scout Report for this week. It includes, among others, the links and description of Clemson Cooperative Extension; Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap); Getty Research Journal; Engineering in the Modern World,Research and Education; Vicos: A Virtual Tour (Peru); Modeling And Simulation Tools For Education Reform; Willard E. Worden's San Francisco & Berkeley; PBS Learning Media; Abraham Lincoln, Slavery, and the Civil War: A Collection of Digitized Books; Before and After the Fire: Chicago in the 1860s, 1870s and 1880s. more »
Two From Ferida Wolff's Backyard Series: Bald Eagles Are Back! and Tomatoes — Again?
One, seeing a bald eagle is thrilling. It has a presence. It also has a right to be here, as much as we do. We really do need to be more sensitive to our world. I’m glad to see the bald eagles are back. Two, I’m sorry. Here it is, almost at the end of the growing season and I am still talking about tomatoes. I admit to being obsessed with them this year. Perhaps it was the challenge of trying to actually harvest some before the squirrels and rabbits got them all.
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