Sports and Fitness
Tam Martindes Gray, The Giants and Dodgers Rivalry: The Bridegrooms and Fighting Surrogates Inflamed Local Fans' Passions Sometimes to Deadly Levels
Editor's Note: I've written about my love of baseball before in recent years, but last night's game between the two former New York City teams, now both located in the state of California, so acutely characterized the intensity of the rivalry.
Origins… more »
The Scout Report: Seacoast Science Center, British Science Week, World War II Alaska, American Hiking Society's Hiking 101 Portal, Portland Women's History Trail
Scouting for the next grand adventure? The Hiking Project is ready to help, welcoming users to "explore 243,117 miles of hiking trails." Investigate by location using the search bar or use one of the many available filters to narrow by feature. Those looking for the best hiking spots, regardless of location, should check out the Top Hikes page, which recognizes routes with the highest user ratings. Alternatively, visitors can scroll through the Trail Directory (found under the Trail Guide tab), which catalogs hiking destinations by U.S. state or country. The app is also available on the Apple App Store and Google Play for mobile use. One of its notable features is the ability to go signal free, making maps accessible in more remote locations. Because the guide is crowd-sourced, readers are also welcome to submit their own trail information and images (note that submissions are reviewed for accuracy before content appears on the site). Contributors may even be honored with a feature on the Best Photos page. [EMB] more »
The US Interior Department Suspends Oil and Gas Drilling In Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
Secretary Haaland promotes outdoor recreation, designates ten new national recreation trails. Under the previous administration, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) established and began administering an oil and gas program in the Coastal Plain of the Arctic Refuge. After the BLM prepared the “Coastal Plain Oil and Gas Leasing Program Environmental Impact Statement” (EIS) under NEPA, the BLM held a lease sale on January 6, 2021, and subsequently issued 10-year leases on nine tracts covering more than 430,000 acres. more »
Articles from Stanford's Science Department You and Others Might Find of Interest
A collection of research and insights from Stanford experts who are revealing the stakes of emission cuts, enabling better carbon accounting, predicting the consequences of future emission pathways and mapping out viable solutions. Scholars consider how the legal system might protect and regulate non-human actors. A new analysis suggests the health care industry can reap many of the economic benefits of a “Medicare for All” program through incremental changes to the private health care market. AI expands the reach of clinical trials, broadening access to more women, minority and older patients more »