Bee-side Our Window
Last Spring we noticed that we had bees flying near our front door. They seemed interested in the bushes by our front windows. One bee in particular seemed to be the most aggressive – to other bees, not to us, thank goodness. I had even named it as I watched it flitter around. It was chasing away any other bees that came by.
Well, the bushes are beginning to flower again and Bebe is back! It seems to have even more energy than last year. It is there when I open the door but it isn’t threatening. It keeps its distance as I watch it discourage any other bees that seem interested in the bushes. The strange thing is that I don’t see any nest in the bushes. What is it protecting? Last year we checked the gutters but they were clean, as they are this year.
By now I expect to see Bebe greeting me in the morning. The buzz gets a smile as I open the front door – a delightful way to start the day!
By Ferida Wolff...
This famous quote by Karl Von Frisch, "The bee's life is like a magic well, the more you draw from it, the more it fills with water..." truly captures the fascination and bee-witching nature of bees.
There is not a time nor place on earth where the bee has not embedded itself within the imagination and symbolism of humankind. From ancient Egypt through to the Middle Ages, to inclusion in religious scriptures and traditional folklore customs, the humble bee has become renowned as one of earth's most honoured creatures.
Telling the Bees: The Folklore of Bees and Beekeeping
All That Buzz About Bees - Backyard Beekeeping
Bees In Mythology: Myths And Fables Mentioning Bees
Most Common Honey Bee Myths and Folktales
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