Literature and Poetry
Meet The Dolls: The Miniature World of Faith Bradford; Holiday Present Suggestion
In a new book, Museum curator William L. Bird Jr. brings The Dolls’ House to life and that of it's owner, Faith Bradford, a woman of note. Explore the five-story, 23-room miniature home. As Bird describes in the book, it was "a floating object, stand-alone attraction, a house without a home." more »
Three Faiths: Judaism, Christianity, Islam at NYPL
Three Faiths includes 200 rare and precious works created over the past 1,500 years. Among them, great works of the miniaturist's art and of calligraphy, drawn from all three faiths, delight the eye, as they have done since their creation centuries ago more »
A Woman's Crusade: Alice Paul and the Battle for the Ballot
Over 500 women were arrested and 168 served time in jail. Some of that time was served in the Occoquan Workhouse, whose superintendent took great pleasure in giving the women a hard time. When they refused to eat the worm-filled food, he had them force fed. It was an exciting time. Walton tells this story in a compelling style that lets you live the experience more »
CultureWatch, October 2010
"When I had finally finished The Master of Hestviken, I could hardly bear the realization that it wouldn’t be waiting by my chair of an evening, with yet another chapter to read. Great books are like great loves — delicious while they last, but when they… more »