Literature and Poetry
Outsourcing the Local Library Can Lead to a Loud Backlash
LSSI has received consistently icy receptions in most of the places where it has come in and taken over. Every community has its share of library users who believe that a library system is a core function of local government, regardless of what the budget situation is. more »
The Freedom Trail: World War II Escape Route Over the Pyrenees
Consider then, the young men of the Second World War, fleeing from the enemy, who attempted an astonishing journey under cover of darkness. Without compasses or climbing boots they faced one of the most treacherous parts of the mountains; it was their only chance of freedom. more »
Republican Political Mother
The author portrays the life of one dynamic woman during a period of major changes. Political campaigns went from relying heavily on volunteers, most of whom were women, to that of paid pollsters and political consultants, most of whom are not women. more »
Jane Austen: "A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of"
At the age of eleven, Jane Austen finished her formal education and returned home. It was in this environment, encouraged by her family — all enthusiastic readers themselves — that she began to write poems, stories, and plays for her family’s as well as her own amusement. more »