Literature and Poetry
TechNOlogy ...To E or Not To E, That Is the Question
Julia Sneden writes: Just leave me alone with my books, my real, physical, weighty books. Just try entering “e-book” into Google, if you want a lesson in technological confusion. Our public libraries are struggling with the parameters of e-book usage as are the publishers more »
John Muir's A Thousand Mile Walk to the Gulf and the A Walk in the Wild Exhibit
I Had long been looking from the wildwoods and gardens of the Northern States to those of the warm South, and at last, all draw-backs overcome, I set forth [from Indianapolis] on the first day of September, 1867, joyful and free, on a thousand-mile walk to the Gulf of Mexico. more »
CultureWatch Review — In Defense of Women
Reviewer Jill Norgren writes:In this season of television re-runs, devotees of Law and Order or The Good Wife would do well to turn off the tube, and sit down with Gertner’s book, In Defense of Women: Memoirs of an Unrepentant Advocate. They might pull an all-nighter more »
A Book-length Soapbox for Poets
When poetry press Canarium Books found itself sold out of two of its most recent titles, it was a little surprised. When those books won majorliterary prizes from the Poetry Society of America and the Griffin Trust, Canarium's founders were ecstatic. (Photo: Linda A. Cicero / Stanford News Service) This morning the police came for me.They brought… more »