Literature and Poetry
The Holidays: So Help Me, Muse . . . To Rhyme my News
Doris O'Brien writes: I plead guilty to having already turned out several drafts of an annual Holiday card, and in a different meter and rhyme scheme than those of last year’s piece. Variety spices life, even in small, poetic measures. I plan to add something else: a photo of the clan taken during our summer outing. That ought to mitigate any literary slights from the offspring. And if they find fault with either picture or poetry, I’ll remind them that this is the season of peace on earth, good will toward Mom. more »
Who Would I Like to Be?
Rose Mula writes: I’ll tell you what my real fantasy is — if you’ll promise not to breathe a word to Gloria Steinem. I’d like to be a sex symbol. Who am I kidding? It’s way too late for that, so I’d settle for being someone who can ice skate (on the blades instead of my ankle bones), or who can swim more than three strokes without sinking, do the latest dance steps without looking like a sneaker in the dryer, play a mean game of tennis, or even someone who can gargle without gagging. more »
Roses for a Philosophical Garden
Ferida Wolff writes: What a marvelous philosophical garden we could have if everyone could plant his or her people-supporting ideas within our society. Some of them would not prove viable, no doubt, but some might be just what we need. And it wouldn’t matter which side of the aisle the planter came from because a good idea would grow into something beautiful and benefit all. more »
Writing a Novel in a Month? Go on, you can do it, if not this year, next.
Editor's Note: The pumpkins are now decorated with turkey feathers, the waters are receding, it isn't tax time (yet), and after voting, you can turn off the commercials, so sharpen the pen or keyboard and go to it. And good luck. more »