By Ann Voorhees Baker*
I publish an online newspaper called Woodstock Generation Women's News, a curated conglomeration of content of interest to women of the 60's and 70's. I've been doing it for quite some time, but I haven't pointed it out to anyone because I couldn't access it about a year ago.
For some reason, I could not log into my account and make updates. So today, miraculously, I was able to do so, and the reason is that I simply wrote to the company that manages the publishing program and told them I couldn't get in. Actual humans wrote back — hurrah. And they solved the problem, which up until then had not been fixable with a 'forgot my password' type of process. I think that a year ago I temporarily gave up on my newspaper because I never considered the old-fashioned 'hey, you guys, this isn't working' approach. I simply tried all the usual steps of their system, several times over, got frustrated, and threw up my hands.
©2016 Ann Voorhees Baker for
*Ann Voorhees Baker is Founder and Producer of Women At Woodstock, an online community and annual national gathering that provides information, inspiration and practical tools for women 50 and over who are striving to make their futures exactly what they want them to be. Ann is a website designer, social media marketing and search engine optimization specialist, and writer. She writes regularly for the Women At Woodstock blog and for Roommates4Boomers, the roommate-matching service for women over 50.
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