Culture and Arts
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB): Lenders Cannot Discriminate Based on Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity
“In issuing this interpretive rule, we’re making it clear that lenders cannot discriminate based on sexual orientation or gender identity,” said CFPB Acting Director David Uejio. “The CFPB will ensure that consumers are protected against such discrimination and provided equal opportunities in credit.” This prohibition also covers discrimination based on actual or perceived nonconformity with traditional sex- or gender-based stereotypes, and discrimination based on an applicant’s social or other associations. more »
From the CDC: When You've Been Fully Vaccinated You Can ........For the 30,000,000 Who Have Been Vaccinated
March 8, 2021 This message includes updates on the COVID-19 response from CDC. If you are participating in activities outside your home, like an outdoor yoga class or just picking up a few items at the grocery store, be sure to do so safely. Have an extra mask, tissues, and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol on hand. When considering activities, think about how many people you’ll interact with, if you’ll be able to stay at least 6 feet away from others, if others will be wearing masks, and how long the activity lasts. Outdoors is safer than indoors. Wear a mask; Stay at least 6 feet from others; avoid crowds and poorly ventilated places.
When You’ve Been Full… more »
Stateline Nevada State Senator Pat Spearman and Birth Control Prescriptions: Women Gain Record Power in State Legislatures
Nevada state Sen. Pat Spearman, a Democrat and chief majority whip, successfully shepherded legislation in 2020 requiring pharmacists to honor 12-month doctors’ prescriptions for birth control pills, over the objections of some male lawmakers. “We had men on a committee making statements like, ‘if you give them a whole year’s supply, they are going to sell them,’” Spearman recalled in a phone interview. “People don’t get them to sell them, they get them to use them.”Women in the Nevada legislature, the only one with a female majority, brought focus to the issue, Spearman said.“There’s no doubt that it would not have gotten done [in 2020] had women not held power,” she said. more »
Baseball's Peerless Semipros: The Brooklyn Bushwicks of Dexter Park, Journal of Sport History and My Experience at That Park
From the Editor: Last night I watched — on television — the San Francisco Giants play their rivals, the Los Angeles Dodgers, winners of the 2020 National League Championship title. They played in Arizona, where the Giants hold their spring training and the game ended in a tie. But it was another location I thought about in Brooklyn, and a game that featured guest Hank Greenburg, a well-known player that my father admired. At that time, Greenberg was retired, I believe, but the fans at the Dexter Park, crowded the stands to see him. Last year, I wrote a brief article, A Baseball Story You Might Not Have Heard About an American Catcher and Spy for the OSS, and thought this year I might follow it up with an lengthy excerpt from a story about the Brooklyn Bushwicks. "Even as minor league and semipro baseball declined in the 1940s, the Bushwicks still outdrew the big league Philadelphia Phillies and Boston Braves in 1945." more »