Current Reading
Current Reading, Divorce Denied: Social "Social Abandonment" is Insufficient Grounds in New York
In her complaint, she alleged what amounts (or might amount) to "social abandonment" – stating that her husband refused to celebrate or acknowledge major holidays or birthdays with her; refused to "eat meals together"; refused to "attend family functions or accompany [her] to movies, shopping, restaurants, and church services"; once left her "at a hospital emergency room"; removed her "belongings from the marital bedroom"; and just generally "ignor[ed] her." more »
Current Reading: Doctors Overlook Signs of Child Abuse
Physicians often misdiagnose bone fractures caused by child abuse as accidental breaks, particularly if the child is male and the doctor is not a pediatrician, a new study found. more »
Current Reading, Screen Memories from The New York Times
"Devotion to playthings and playmates, a fascination with bodily fluids and a queasy obsession with sex — these were what defined a movie hero not preoccupied with killing bad guys. Traditional romances and sex farces were supplanted by comedies of arres… more »
Current Reading: Ten Things Your Therapist Won't Tell You
“Not every therapist is well trained in every disorder,” says Richard Dana, a psychologist in Newton, Mass. “Someone who is referred with obsessive-compulsive disorder may find that his therapist was not really trained in that area.” According to Herbert Klein, editor and publisher of Psychotherapy Finances, many therapists lost substantial income during the 1990s, when businesses shifted to managed-care insurance. As a result, some practitioners don’t feel they can afford to turn away patients. more »