Current Reading
To Submit, or Not to Submit? That Was the Right Question - But Was It Sexist?
During the Republican debate conservative columnist Byron York asked candidate Michele Bachmann: "As president, would you be submissive to your husband?" Bachmann evaded the question, saying that submissive really meant respect, and that both she and her husband respected each other. more »
Nature or Nurture: What More Likely Determines Your Longevity?
People with exceptional longevity did not have healthier habits than the comparison group in terms of body mass index, smoking, physical activity, or diet. However, for women, 9.6 percent of centenarians were obese versus 16.2 percent of the 'control' group. more »
CSM's Article: "A woman’s credibility is put under a microscope"
Witness credibility is particularly crucial in sexual assault cases, say lawyers, because the alleged victim is likely to take the witness stand. Any information germane to the accuser's credibility can be brought up during cross-examination. This would include statements to other people, interviews with the police, and even who her friends are. more »
The Wall Street Money Machine: ProPublica's Pulitzer
Bankers and hedge funds scrambled to maintain the lavish bonuses and profits, repackaging mortgages in complex securities called collateralized debt obligations. The booming CDO market masked the weak housing market and exacerbated its collapse more »