The online collection of the Watergate scandal papers to date that have been donated to the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas, Austin consist of five different sections of documents: The Washington Post, All the President's Men, The Final Days, About the Papers and Deep Throat Exposed.
Here are some of the specifics papers: All the President's Men screenplay 25 September 1974; Bernstein's comments on the second draft of William Goldman's screenplay for All the President's Men. Written notes to actor Robert Redford.
Woodward's note Number 4, 24 March 1973, from 'Deep Throat' (Mark Felt, Associate Director of the FBI), includes the sentence, "believes that someone will eventually flush out this story and it could to [be?] the one that sends the administration over the wall." The commentary that accompanies the quote from Woodward's notes includes: "The information Felt provided on wiretapping was apparently used for Woodward and Bernstein's May 3, 1973 Washington Post story 'Wiretaps Put On Phones of 2 Reporters.' "
There is a transcript and MP3 audio of an interview of Bernstein and Woodward at the Ransom Center than can be read and listened to.