(From the Women's Congressional Policy Institute)
S. 3983 –– Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (3/20/2024) –– A bill to authorize a grant program to increase capacity for providing abortion services and other sexual and reproductive health care.
Senator Mazie Hirono, right
Human Trafficking
S. 4007 –– Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)/Judiciary (3/20/2024) –– A bill to direct the Attorney General to study issues relating to human trafficking.
S. Res. 599 –– Sen. Thomas Tillis (R-NC)/Foreign Relations (3/20/2024) –– A resolution to protect the Iranian political refugees, including female foreign political prisoners, in Ashraf-3 in Albania.
S. Res. 620 –– Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)/Foreign Relations (3/22/2024) –– A resolution to demand that the international community hold accountable those who perpetrated acts of sexual violence and sexual torture during and after the attack on the state of Israel on October 7, 2023.
S. Res. 596 –– Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)/Considered and agreed to (3/19/2024) –– A resolution to recognize Girl Scouts of the United States of America on its 112th birthday and celebrating its legacy of providing girls with a secure, inclusive space where they can explore their world, build meaningful relationships, and have access to experiences that prepare them for a life of leadership.
S. Res. 597 –– Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)/Considered and agreed to (3/19/2024) –– A resolution to recognize the heritage, culture, and contributions of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian women in the United States.
H. Res. 1091 –– Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX)/Education and the Workforce (3/19/2024) –– A resolution to recognize and thank the Nation's women's colleges and universities and to recognize March 5 as "National Women's Colleges and Universities Day."
S. Res. 604 –– Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA)/Considered and agreed to (3/20/2024) –– A resolution to designate March 21, 2024, as “National Women in Agriculture Day.”
H.R. 7770 –– Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA)/Financial Services (3/21/2024) –– A bill to require the Secretary of Treasury to mint coins in commemoration of the women who contributed to the Home Front during World War II.
S. Res. 621 –– Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-NV)/Judiciary (3/22/2024) –– A resolution to designate March 24, 2024, as “National Women of Color in Tech Day.”
H. Res. 1105 –– Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL)/Agriculture (3/22/2024) –– A bill to designate March 21, 2024, as “National Women in Agriculture Day.”
Reproductive Health
H.R. 7815 –– Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)/Energy and Commerce (3/22/2024) –– A bill to award grants to expand and improve maternal health care services.
Small Business
S. 3971 –– Sen. Christopher Coons (D-DE)/Small Business and Entrepreneurship (3/19/2024) –– A bill to require reporting on additional information with respect to small business concerns owned and controlled by women, qualified HUBZone small business concerns, and small business concerns owned and controlled by veterans.
Tax Policy
S. 4005 –– Sen. Robert Casey (D-PA)/Finance (3/20/2024) –– A bill to allow an investment credit for certain domestic infant formula manufacturing projects and to allow a domestic production credit for certain infant formula.
H.R. 7744 –– Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)/Ways and Means (3/20/2024) –– A bill to allow an investment credit for certain domestic infant formula manufacturing projects and to allow a domestic production credit for certain infant formula.
H.R. 7813 –– Rep. Jefferson Van Drew (R-NJ)/Ways and Means (3/22/2024) –– A bill to require an individual to provide a social security number to claim the child tax credit.
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