Aladdin's Wonderful Lamp, Courier Litho Company, Wikipedia
Where is Aladdin when I need him? More specifically, where is his fabled magic lamp?
Unfortunately, it’s been missing for so long that if I ever do find it, probably it won’t work because it will be coated with tarnish. So polish it, you say. Not very likely Have you seen my silverware drawer? Of course, the prospect of having all my wishes granted would be a powerful incentive.
If and when I ever do find — and polish — the lamp, I’ll be ready. My wish list is on the launch pad and ready to blast off.
First, I’d like some people. Yes, people. So when meeting with the publisher of my new book, I’ll be able to say, “Have your people call my people.” Oh, wait. That will have to be my second wish. First will be to find a publisher for my new book. Oh, wait again! Before that I have to wish for the inspiration and discipline to sit down and write the book.
Next on my list is a Pulitzer prize for that book.
I will then ask Genie to arrange a wildly successful book signing tour for me. By “wildly successful” I mean having some legitimate buyers show up at each stop — not just the few friends and relatives whom I shamed into making pity purchases of my previous books.
I hope Genie has a real estate brokers license because I would like him to find me a vacation home in Hawaii plus a magic carpet to whisk me there in minutes — or if the FAA prohibits such transport, I’ll settle for luxurious accommodations on the Concorde. (Yes, I’ll ask Genie to bring it back.)
I would also like some heirs. Or, at least, enough money to necessitate my having heirs.
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