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Study Suggests Reinfections From the Virus That Causes COVID-19 Likely Have Similar Severity As Original Infection
NIH-funded analysis of health record data shows severe reinfections often follow severe first infections. COVID-19 tend to foreshadow similar severity of infection the next time a person contracts the disease. Additionally, scientists discovered that long COVID was more likely to occur after a first infection compared to a reinfection. The study, funded by the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Researching COVID to Enhance Recovery (RECOVER(link is external)) Initiative, is published in Communications Medicine(link is external). more »
Pub Med: Traversing the Menopause: Changes in Energy Expenditure and Body Composition
"It has been shown that treatment with hormone replacement therapy prevents the increase in the rate of abdominal adipose tissue accumulation that was noted with the menopause. Thus, it appears that the loss of ovarian function induces a reduction in resting metabolic rate, physical activity energy expenditure, fat-free mass, and an increase in fat mass and abdominal adipose tissue accumulation. These modifications probably contribute to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease of postmenopausal women."
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New Report From American Cancer Society: Cancer Facts and Figures
"Estimated number of new cancer cases for 2024, excluding basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers and in situ carcinoma except urinary bladder. Estimates are not available for Puerto Rico. Note: Incidence counts are model-based projections and should be interpreted with caution. State estimates may not equal US total due to rounding. ©2024, American Cancer Society, Inc. Surveillance and Health Equity Science©2024, American Cancer Society, Inc. Surveillance and Health Equity Science" more »
Long Covid and Impaired Cognition — More Evidence and More Work to Do; New England Journal of Medicine
"The results of the study by Hampshire and colleagues are of concern, and the broader implications require evaluation. For example, what are the functional implications of a 3-point loss in IQ? Whether one group of persons is affected more severely than others is not clear. Whether these cognitive deficits persist or resolve along with predictors and trajectory of recovery should be investigated. Will Covid-19–associated cognitive deficits confer a predisposition to a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia later in life? The effects on educational attainment, work performance, accidental injury, and other activities that require intact cognitive abilities should also be evaluated." more »