It's the summer and television programs are on a new episode vacation. Why not take in a streaming webcast or televised hearing from a Senate or House Committee?
Aside from the scripted statements of our representatives, some drama might ensue. Perhaps they're assuming their constituents are not listening or looking in?
Prove them wrong.
Hearings of interest in both houses, July 12 - 14:
Violence Against Women — On Thursday, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee will hold a hearing, "Native Women: Protecting, Shielding, and Safeguarding Our Sisters, Mothers, and Daughters."
Persons With Disabilities - Health, Education, Labor and Pensions, Senate Committee. Lessons From the Field: Hearings to examine learning from what works for employment for persons with disabilities.
Closing the Gaps In Veterans Mental Care: Veterans Affairs Senate Committee. Hearings to examine Veterans' Affairs mental health care.
Child Protection — On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security will hold a hearing on the Protecting Children from Internet Pornographers Act (H.R. 1981).
Bill Markups —Violence Against Women: On Wednesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing, "The Violence Against Women Act: Building on Seventeen Years of Accomplishments."
Check the US Senate Radio-Television Gallery Coverage List and the US House Radio-Television Gallery Coverage List for information on the broadcast of specific hearings. The Congressional Chronicle lists these hearings, too.
More Articles
- Legislative Update: Violence Against Women –– A bill to include sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence in the definition of aggravated felonies under the Immigration and Nationality Act
- Women's Congressional Policy Institute: Weekly Legislative Update September 13, 2021: Bringing Women Policymakers Together Across Party Lines to Advance Issues of Importance to Women and Their Families
- Weekly Legislative Update: Hearings Tuesday for Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and Improving Benefits for Underserved Veterans
- Two Reports: Women Veterans Confront Intimate Partner Violence; GAO Reports VHA Improved Certain Prescribing Practices, but Needs to Strengthen Treatment Plan Oversight
- Hear Ye, Hear Ye, Congress Has Reopened; Sen. Amy Kobluchar & Rep John Emmer's Bill to Improve Handling of Crimes of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking
- The Nobel Peace Prize: For Efforts to End the Use of Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War and Armed Conflict
- Congressional Action: Peer-to-Peer Counseling for Women Vets, Sexual Harassment, Prematurity Research, VA Hospitals, Employment Discrimination
- Congressional Floor Action, Bills Introduced: Reauthorizing the Debbie Smith Act Funding for Public Crime Laboratories' Work to Build Capacity & Process DNA Evidence Including Evidence Collected in Rape Kits
- Congressional Actions, Bill Markups: Human Trafficking, End Banking for Human Traffickers Act, PROSPER Act
- Hearings on Zika and Campus Safety: Bills On Eliminating Pornography from Federal Computers, Opioid Use, Sexual Assault Survivors