On mornings such as this there is serendipity in the woods, fallen moss-covered logs supporting exquisite random wildflower arrangements, and microclimates where specific ephemerals are flourishing. Walking slowly and looking closely, the natural world is suddenly in bold relief. Gracie has taken the book on location on this day, and the group pauses, to thumb through it as they encounter particular flowers.
Very soon these wildflowers will disappear for another year, and Gracie will be moving on as well, this time on a book for the summer season.
Spotters in disparate parts of the Northeast will be scouting for her — “I’ll get a call telling me “such and such is going to be in bloom for two or three days — come on up” and she’ll grab her camera and notebook and be off on her next adventure.
©2013 Kristin Nord for SeniorWomen.com
Wildflower photographs of flowers from Wikimedia Commons
*Species Accounts
Baneberries 1
Bloodroot 7
Blue Cohosh 15
Blue-eyed Mary 21
Celandines 27
Columbine 33
Dutchman's Breeches 43
Early Meadow-rue 53
Early Saxifrage 59
False Hellebore 67
Featherfoil 75
Fire-pink 81
Fringed Polygala 85
Hepaticas 93
Jack-in-the-pulpit 101
Lady-slippers 111
Lesser Celandine 121
Lousewort 127
Mayapple 133
Miterwort 141
One-flowered Cancer-root 147
Skunk Cabbage 153
Spring Beauties 163
Squawroot 173
Trilliums 179
Trout-lily 189
Twinleaf 199
Violets 207
Virginia Bluebells 223
Wild Ginger 229
Pages: 1 · 2
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