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"News coverage of missing and murdered Indigenous women has been long criticized as spotty and superficial. The news media 'largely ignore the victimizations of Native American females,' writes ... an assistant professor of criminal justice at Sacramento State University, in her 2020 paper, 'The Representation of Women and Girls of Color in United States Crime News.' A growing body of research demonstrates that missing white women typically draw significantly more media attention than missing minority women. The late PBS news anchor Gwen Ifill first used the term 'Missing White Woman Syndrome' to describe this disparity in 2004."
“Concerns about partisan media’s potential to polarize the public cannot be easily dismissed,” researchers and authors Broockman and Kalla conclude in this new study. The research underscores “the need for policymakers and civil society leaders to continue to consider how the influence of partisan media on public opinion might be countered as part of a broader suite of potential interventions to strengthen American democracy.”
"Most sources describe Snap-dragon as a Christmas tradition, but (Mary) Blain suggests that in the United States it was played at Halloween, and Platt notes: The game was one particular to Halloween or Christmas or Twelfth Night; I will not specify which, because in the first place I do not know, and in the second place if I were to make a mistake I would be held up to ridicule and all my statements overthrown... There were several other traditions surrounding the game of snap-dragon. Mary F. Blain describes the belief that the person who snatches the most treats out of the brandy will meet their true love within a year."
Jo Freeman Reviews: "In 1968, change was happening all over the world. In the US, mounting opposition to the war in Viet Nam and several burgeoning social movements all demanded attention. People representing many of these came to the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago in hopes of reaching the larger public with their message. Heather Hendershot writes about the news media – especially the three network TV companies – at the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago. What would the news networks cover?"
Beige Book Reports: "Overall economic activity was little changed in recent weeks. Nine Districts reported either no change or only a slight change in activity this period while three indicated modest growth. Expectations for future growth were mostly unchanged as well; however, two Districts saw outlooks deteriorate. Consumer spending was generally seen as flat to down slightly amid continued reports of moderate price growth. Auto sales remained steady overall, with only a couple of Districts reporting improved sales and inventory levels. Travel and tourism picked up across much of the country this period. Manufacturing activity was widely reported as flat or down even as supply chains continued to improve... On balance, residential real estate sales and new construction activity softened modestly."
A bill to increase the age of eligibility for children to receive benefits under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children, and for other purposes; a grant program to address the crises in accessing affordable housing and child care through the co-location of housing and child care; A bill to require hygienic handling of breast milk and baby formula by security screening personnel of the Transportation Security Administration; A bill to direct the Attorney General, in coordination with the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, to study the prevalence and instances of human trafficking at adult entertainment clubs in the US; A bill to provide grants to address maternal mental health conditions and substance use disorders, and for other purposes; A bill to increase vaccination rates of pregnant and postpartum individuals.
A bill to establish a universal child assistance program, and for other purposes. A bill to establish a Commission on Men's and Women's Fairness in College Sports; A bill to permit leave to care for an adult child, grandchild, or grandparent who has a serious health condition.
Bringing women policymakers together across party lines to advance
issues of importance to women and their families.…
"These pay gaps are even larger when examining average hourly wages for all workers instead of just the average for middle-wage workers because of the disproportionate share of highly paid workers who are white men, which pulls up their average. Using the average measure, Black and Hispanic women are paid 61.4% and 57.8%, respectively, of white men’s wages, an hourly wage gap of $15.11 for Black women and $16.40 for Hispanic women. Even in a regression framework—controlling for age, education, and geographic division—Black and Hispanic women are both paid about 67% of white men’s wages."
"Although Horizon says it now has 20 drugs under development, in its 15 years of existence it has yet to license a product it invented. Yet the company has managed to assemble a war chest of lucrative drugs, in the process writing a playbook for how to build a modern pharmaceutical colossus. As the White House and both parties in Congress grapple with reining in prescription drug prices, Horizon’s approach reveals just how difficult this may be. Horizon’s strategy has paid off handsomely. Krystexxa was just one of the many shiny objects that attracted Amgen, a pharmaceutical giant. Amgen announced in December that it intends to buy Horizon for $27.8 billion, in the biggest pharmaceutical industry deal announced in 2022. Horizon’s CEO, Tim Walbert, who will reportedly get around $135 million when the deal closes, has mastered a particular kind of industry expertise: taking drugs invented and tested by other people, wrapping them expertly in hard-nosed marketing and warm-hued patient relations, raising their prices, and enjoying astounding revenues."
Ferida Wolff Writes: "I find this activity so simple and calming that I like to do it often during the nice weather. And each season nature invites us to share in the changes, to see the variety that exists naturally. I hope that everyone has access to a calming place, a space to take a deep breath and let go of any worries... An awareness of the natural connection can beautifully enhance our lives."
"Gender gaps in labor market activity are pervasive, longstanding, and a regular subject of policy debates. Relative to men, women tend to work fewer hours per week, more conventional hours, and fewer years over the course of their lives. These differences in the intensity and timing of work contribute to gender disparities in promotions and pay. But despite decades of research on this topic, little attention has been paid to the timing of work throughout the year. To motivate our inquiry, Figure 1 plots the monthly labor force participation rates of prime-age US women and men using non–seasonally adjusted data, with June, July, and August shaded gray. Summer after summer, women's labor force participation drops sharply while men's participation does not."
What do Abigail Adams and Beyonce have in common? Elizabeth Coombs says they are both feminist patriots, a label she also applies to Phyllis Schlafly and Mary Church Terrell. This book profiles over nine women, some extensively, to illustrate how the drive for sex equality continues the ideals of the American revolution. Not all of the women in this book are public figures. Even those who were purely private had something to say as they fought for female independence.
"A Yale Medicine doctor explains that naloxone is sold by several companies, and it can be injected into a muscle, under the skin, or into a vein. The nasal spray, which comes in a generic form and is sold under a few brand names, including Narcan, is a pre-filled device that should be sprayed into one nostril." The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved Narcan (as a nasal spray) for over-the-counter use, which means a prescription is not required and people will be able to buy it in pharmacies, stores, and perhaps even from vending machines later this summer."
• 15 seconds with bases empty; 20 seconds with runners on
• Hitter gets 1 timeout per plate appearance; must be in batter’s box with 8 seconds left
• Pitchers get two disengagements (pickoff attempts or step-offs) per batter; violations are a balk
• Limits on pickoff attempts led to 26% increase in stolen base attempts in Minors
• Pitch timer helped reduce game length by 25 minutes in Minors in ‘22
"SVB failed because the bank's management did not effectively manage its interest rate and liquidity risk, and the bank then suffered a devastating and unexpected" run by its uninsured depositors in a period of less than 24 hours. SVB's failure demands a thorough review of what happened, including the Federal Reserve's oversight of the bank. To begin, SVB's failure is a textbook case of mismanagement. The bank had a concentrated business model, serving the technology and venture capital sector. It also grew exceedingly quickly, tripling in asset size between 2019 and 2022. During the early phase of the pandemic, and with the tech sector booming, SVB saw significant deposit growth. The bank invested the proceeds of these deposits in longer-term securities, to boost yield and increase its profits. However, the bank did not effectively manage the interest rate risk of those securities or develop effective interest rate risk measurement tools, models, and metrics. At the same time, the bank failed to manage the risks of its liabilities."
"Help stop fraud and scams: As part of the Dirty Dozen awareness effort, the IRS Lead Development Center in the Office of Promoter Investigations promote improper and abusive tax schemes as well as tax return preparers who deliberately prepare improper returns ... Scams requesting donations are especially common over the phone, as well as by email and texts. Taxpayers should never feel pressured to give immediately, and they should look to recognized, established charities to help victims."
Julia Sneden Wrote: My mind’s eye can still see the face of the Children’s Librarian, although I have long since forgotten her name. We will be wise to continue to back up our knowledge of history and literature and art and science with hard copy. She kept up with my reading level, suggesting writers and books that she thought I might enjoy, feeding my curiosity and interests. I believe that curiosity is genetically programmed into every child. The first way a child explores the world is through direct, sensory experience. Later on, the mastery of spoken language (oh, those questions!) provides information, but ultimately, it is learning how to read that opens a child’s mind to the endless possibilities of a world of literature and science and history and human thought."
The Federal Trade Commission will hold an informal hearing on its proposed rule prohibiting government and business impersonation at 1 p.m. on May 4, 2023. In a Federal Register Notice, the FTC notes that during the recent public comment period regarding the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, an informal hearing was requested by a commenter. Any member of the public wishing to speak at the informal hearing must request to speak by April 14, 2023. Requests can be made in response to the Federal Register Notice.
Topics in the 2020-2021 Report:
Heart disease by race and ethnicity;
Cancer by race and ethnicity;
HIV and STDs by race and ethnicity;
Health insurance and access by race and ethnicity;
Hospital use by health insurance coverage;
Oral health by poverty level;
Substance use by education level;
Risk factors and mortality by sex.
"The Attorney General; Secretary of Education; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Director of the Office of Management and Budget; and the heads of other agencies, as appropriate, shall develop a proposal for the President, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, including through the Surgeon General of the United States; the Sit it no later than September 15, 2023, on how the Federal Government can better support the recovery, mental health, and other needs of survivors of gun violence, families of victims and survivors of gun violence, first responders to incidents of gun violence, and communities affected by gun violence."
"Waiting for health insurers to authorize care comes with consequences for patients, various studies show. It has led to delays in cancer care in Pennsylvania, meant sick children in Colorado were more likely to be hospitalized, and blocked low-income patients across the country from getting treatment for opioid addiction. In some cases, care has been denied and never obtained. In others, prior authorization proved a potent but indirect deterrent, as few patients have the fortitude, time, or resources to navigate what can be a labyrinthine process of denials and appeals. They simply gave up, because fighting denials often requires patients to spend hours on the phone and computer to submit multiple forms."
"No retreat into cynicism and hopelessness. … We have a moral obligation to "stay woke," take a stand and be active; challenging injustices and racism in our communities and fighting hatred and discrimination wherever it rises—Barbara Lee … argued that … Brad Pitt is not only woke, but the wokest man in Hollywood … because he uses his status—and his production company Plan B—to create space for artists of color, with such films as 12 Years a Slave, Selma, and the upcoming film Moonlight.— Giselle Defares. Being woke to gender discrimination is difficult; it ruins things you love. Entire canons of art are rotten to the core with it.— Rachel Edelstein'
‘A dried flower holds time. A fresh flower holds a moment, and both are equally special. The beauty of a dried flower is being able to revisit it and observe it as a preserved object of the earth, a perfect form of nature that holds onto its fragility.’ Since 2003 Law has been collecting every flower and every remnant of dust left by flowers. She now has a collection of over 1 million preserved flowers exhibiting in the USA, 250,000 flowers exhibiting in Asia and Australia and a collection of over 500,000 flowers exhibiting in Europe. This body of material keeps growing and with each new exhibition an extra layer of flowers is added to the existing material. Any recent installations have utilised the artist's vast collection of materials, amassed since the start of this pioneering practice, alongside locally sourced materials." Editor's Note: Pua: What is Pua in Hawaii? The federal government's CARES Act provides a separate program for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) that extends eligibility to individuals who normally do not qualify for traditional unemployment benefits.
Most sleep studies included only white men in the early years and other racial and ethnic groups and women and were not included in studies of sleep disorders until the 1990s, says Dr. Andrea Matsumura, a sleep medicine physician at The Oregon Clinic in Portland, Oregon, and a member of the Public Awareness and Advisory Committee at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. But the growing body of literature so far has revealed that sleep plays an important role in human health, and factors beyond an one’s control are linked to sleep problems, which can then affect overall health. Research also shows sleep deficiencies disproportionately impact those who experience other health disparities.To take into account social, environmental and economic factors affecting sleep, researchers and experts use the term “sleep health” to create a holistic view of sleep.
Jo Freeman Reviews: "You read dialogue and details and personal stories that you won’t find in official testimony. Reading the Warren Commission volumes might not be exciting, but this book is. The questions and answers in the trial have to be fiction, because Oswald never went on trial. But.... you still feel like you have a front row seat in the court room. There are plenty of conspiracy theories, both real and fictional... These were enhanced by the fact that Oswald had trained as a Marine marksman and then defected to Russia. He married a Russian woman and returned to the US. The author had his pick of theories to complicate the “trial,” without picking any of them.... There were also quite a few mysteries. People disagreed over whether they heard three, four, or five shots. They also disagreed over where they came from. Why were only two bullets found? The lawyers in the book debate these mysteries as they try to figure out what really happened."