Culture and Arts
If You're Looking For A Link To the Mueller Report, Look No Further
Editor's Note:
We're not downloading the entire Mueller report, but here is the Justice Department URL to read the report at:
Report On the Investigation Into Russian Interference In The 2016 Election, Vol I and II; Special Counsel Robert S. Mueller, III
Mueller received the following military awards and decorations:
Not By the Book: Musing About My Sex Ed Class
Joan L. Cannon writes:
There seem to be gaps in teaching and learning that are made by those habits of society and custom and plain laziness that we should to try to bridge. Certainly lessons as such are necessary, but the curriculum needs imagination and revision. While working for certification in the state where I was teaching as a substitute in a public high school, my class was assigned a paper on Sex Education. more »
Creating a National Style: Painting Norway, Nikolai Astrup's Lush, Wild Landscapes and Traditional Way of Life at Home
Dulwich Picture Gallery is presenting an exhibition of paintings and prints by Nikolai Astrup (1880-1928), one of Norway’s finest twentieth-century artists. Along with Edvard Munch, Astrup expanded the artistic possibilities of woodcuts to capture the lush, wild landscapes and traditional way of life of his home in western Norway, powerfully capturing the myths and folklore of the country. more »
Who is the Expert on Marriage? A Typical Breadth of Experience by Today’s Younger Generation
Joan L. Cannon writes: A marriage would be a partnership in the profoundest sense. It would be the most welded commitment possible. It would presume without doubts ultimate mutual trust. It would be physically passionate, emotionally profound, mutually dependent, fully understanding of differing opinions but pliable and accepting and curious, respectful and humorous, and above all, appreciative. Maybe that is simply an annotated statement about love.
Not for the first time I saw a call for a contest for manuscripts on marriage. As a
theme/subject for… more »
My Mother's Cookbook — Winter Salads: Jell-o, Salads of the Era, and Pickled Beets
Margaret Cullison writes: The winter salad creations of my childhood memory seem quaint, if not downright silly. For instance, the Candlestick Salad, dating back to the 1920s, probably elicited a few adult comments unfit for younger ears to hear. The salad consisted of a canned pineapple ring resting on a bed of lettuce, with half of a banana placed, cut side down, upright in the ring's center. The tapered banana top received a decorative finishing touch of miracle whip and a maraschino cherry, meant to resemble the candle's melting wax and flame. more »